サイトトップ英訳 住総研住まい読本 JUSOKEN Housing Series (book series)

英訳 住総研住まい読本 JUSOKEN Housing Series (book series)

The accomplishments of the front-line experts working on various housing problems are published in about two issues annually as "Housing series(book series)" in Japanese.
Two books are translated in English, free download from the belows.

『住まいの生命力 - 清水組住宅の100年』
The Vitality and Resilience of Inherited Japanese Houses
― 100 years of Shimizu-gumi Houses ―
There are many houses that have been passed down from the Meiji era to the Taisho, the Showa, and the Heisei era through the past.
Why were they loved and able to continue to exist after 100 years?
This committee has surveied and studed various cases of collection of the books Jutaku kenchiku zushu, built by Shimizu-gumi (now Shimizu Corporation) and present solid memories of japanese life and hints for living in a sustainable society in the future.
Writers/JUSOKEN committee to survey and study existing houses in Shimizu-gumi's Jutaku Kenchiku Zushu
Translaters/Takayuki Ichikawa and Carole Forster-Ichikawa
First Publicaton of English edition/ May 31,2021
Free download from here PDF形式(12MB)
『受け継がれる住まい − 住居の保存と再生法』
Meaning and Value of Inheriting JAPANESE HOUSES
In order not to lose the precious home full of history, the living of good old Japan forever...
Before giving up maintenance and inheritance under heavy tax burden, This book will give you tips for taking over.
Writers/JUSOKEN "Inherited Housing" Research & Investigation Committee
Translaters/Takayuki Ichikawa and Carole Forster-Ichikawa
First Publicaton of English edition/ October 31,2018
Second Publication of English edition/ December 4,2018
Free download from here PDF形式(11MB)